HighDesign 1.8.5 Now Available!

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HighDesign 1.8.5 Now Available!

Post by Andrew »

We are pleased to announce the release of the new update HighDesign 1.8.5. This latest version focuses on project organization and stability. The overall color management system has been enhanced to handle colors imported from other documents and provide a better syncronization between layer colors and indexed colors. The 'By Layer' option is now a dynamic property of the object that changes the color according to that of its layer. Fill colors can now be both indexed or custom colors.

Layers can be reordered alphabetically by clicking the 'Layer Name' header in the Drawing Manager. The list order is then preserved in the document.

This update also includes several fixes and improvements to address the reported issues.

Download HighDesign 1.8.5 Universal

New Features and Improvements
  • Colors popup menu: improved the appearance and functionality.
  • Colors that are not available in the standard palette, typically belonging to objects imported from drawings in other formats, are now added to the document palette and indexed. The index for these colors begins at 256.
  • Improved the 'By Layer' option, which applies to an object the color of its layer. Now the color of the object is inherited from the layer and changes when the color of the layers is changed.
  • Drawing Manager, Layers pane: the color box on a layer's row now opens the standard indexed color picker, with an option to open the System color picker and select a non-indexed color.
  • Drawing Manager, Colors pane: the palette now shows imported colors, if present; the properties of the selected color now include index, RGB, HSV and CMY values, associated pen weight.
Fixes, Changes & Optimizations

* Objects inside groups did not honor the Scale Pen weights options when printing.
* Enhanced the internal procedure that checks the integrity of files. When a damaged file is opened, the broken objects are discarded, so to open and display the project correctly.
* Walls saved inside symbols were not displayed correctly.
* Pro: Export as DXF/DWG to multiple files now works correctly.
* Calculate Area now works on circles and ellipses.
* Fixed an error in walls with one window extending for the full available length.
* Groups again can be selected with Shift-click.
* Apply Hatch to open polygons no longer skips the first segment.
* Fixed several internal errors.
* Saving a JPEG with the Create Image tool no longer shows the Save As dialog twice.
* Trim did not work correctly with multiple objects selected.
* Find window: style names were not displayed correctly in the caption of the Styles pop-up menu.
* Walls, columns and windows now support by Layer colors correctly.
* Wall and Hatch edges can be set to By Layer colors.
* Layers can now be sorted alphabetically in the Drawing Manager by pressing the 'Layer name' header.
* Fill colors can now be chosen from either the HighDesign palette or the System palette.
* DXF/DWG input: improved the conversion of styled texts.
* DXF/DWG input: fixed the conversion of SOLID entities.
* Opening a project now retains visibility and accessibility of the document layers.

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Re: HighDesign 1.8.5 Now Available!

Post by ciocchi »

is HD compatible with snowleopard?

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Re: HighDesign 1.8.5 Now Available!

Post by Andrew »

is HD compatible with snowleopard?
Yes, it seems to run just fine on our machines.

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Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 4:30 pm

Re: HighDesign 1.8.5 Now Available!

Post by gabodisegni »

Good news

Best regards


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