HD-2015 Standard
It should be nice if one can choose in preferences if he want a short crosshair indicator ( like it is now) OR that he prefer to use a long cross-hair end preferable that you can choose a color for it.
(My eyes are not so young anymore and then a long cross-hair wil help in drawing.)
long or shorty cross-hair
long or shorty cross-hair
Ship modelling is not a hobby, it has become a way of live. © Brian King.
Als je ouder wordt, wordt alles slechter, behalve het vergeten, dat wordt steeds beter ..
Als je ouder wordt, wordt alles slechter, behalve het vergeten, dat wordt steeds beter ..
Re: long or shorty cross-hair
I too would like to see this option added.
Re: long or shorty cross-hair
Thanks for the request, we'll consider adding a long crosshair option.