Copy Text into OLD HD

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Copy Text into OLD HD

Post by kohledfusion »

I have the enviable task of copying large amounts of formatted text into OLD HighDesign. I was copying from Pages, but I loose all of my returns (newlines). Anyone find a word processing program that will correctly create a newline that old hd recognizes?

Ilexsoft guys, is old HD looking for \n or maybe \r? I can hack that into my raw file pretty easily before I paste into HD.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:14 pm
Location: Pahoa, Hawai'i. Yes, where the lava is.

Re: Copy Text into OLD HD

Post by kohledfusion »

An example of what's happening:

I have formatted text in Pages like this:

“ I am a sentence.
So Am I.
This is on a newline
and this is too”

when I paste it into old HD, all of the returns are translated as whitespace:
“ I am a sentence. So Am I. This is on a newline and this is too”

Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:14 pm
Location: Pahoa, Hawai'i. Yes, where the lava is.

Re: Copy Text into OLD HD

Post by kohledfusion »

Looks like my HD might be corrupt. Help from a fellow forum member determined that my old HD can't correctly recognize a hard return (versus a soft return, which it should render as whitespace). Mystery solved. I'll reinstall HD & see if the problem resolves itself. Thanks T!

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