Prioritize Layer Ordering Over Object Ordering

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Prioritize Layer Ordering Over Object Ordering

Post by mtgstuber »

I'm not sure the title makes a lick of sense. Here's what I'm after. I create layer 1, and draw a bunch of stuff. Then I add layer 2 and draw some more things. Then I go back to layer 1 and add some more things. When I display both layer 1 and layer 2, the objects are interleaved. Instead, I would like to have all of the objects in layer 1 in back of layer 2, no matter what order they were drawn in. If for some reason I want to change the priority, I should be able to reorder the layers. In no case do I want to fuss around with front-to-back ordering between layers. I want it to only matter within a given layer.

I hope my explanation makes sense. I'm currently running into this issue where I went to add vents to a foundation layer, and when I display the framing layer the vents show up on top of the framing, and the the framing on top of the foundation, based on the order drawn. I'd much rather have the vents stay with the rest of the foundation, and be constrained by the priority of the layer.

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